I have a meter that displays the computer hostname. I'm trying to have the meter background height dynamically resized based on the font size and have relatively equal spacing from top to bottom regardless of size. I've hacked a way to do this, but the results are not consistent.
Any help is appreciated.
FontSize=10 FontSize=24BgHeight=((7 + (#TitleFontSize# - 1)) + (#TitleFontSize# / 4))
Y=((#BgHeight# / 2) - (#TitleFontSize# + 0))
Any help is appreciated.
FontSize=10 FontSize=24
[MeterBackground]Meter=ShapeShape=Rectangle (0 * #Scale#),(0 * #Scale#),((#BgWidth# - 0) * #Scale#),((#BgHeight# - 0) * #Scale#),(0 * #Scale#) | Fill Color #BackgroundColor#,(#BgAlpha#) | StrokeWidth 0UpdateDivider=-1
[Variables]BgHeight=((7 + (#TitleFontSize# - 1)) + (#TitleFontSize# / 4))BgWidth=326BackgroundColor=0,0,0BgAlpha=75TitleFontSize=24
[MeterComputerName]Meter=StringFontFace=ArialFontSize=#TitleFontSize#StringAlign=CenterFontWeight=700StringCase=UpperFontColor=255,165,79AntiAlias=1Text=%1X=(#BgWidth# / 2)Y=((#BgHeight# / 2) - (#TitleFontSize# + 0))TransformationMatrix=#Scale#;0;0;#Scale#;#Scale#;#Scale#UpdateDivider=-1
Statistics: Posted by Sh8dyDan — Yesterday, 8:45 pm — Replies 16 — Views 361