I made this set of skins as a quick way to launch various types of files. It's simply a twin fileview set up:![Thumbs Up :thumbup:]()
Instructions for set up:
- Open the Books.ini, Games.ini and Videos.ini files in your editor.
- Each file contains a variable called mCategoryPath. You need to specify a path to the relevant required folder, obviously depending on the skin context. So add a path to your games folder in the skin for games, etc.
- As each type of skin shows a cover image for each item, you can add those by creating a folder called - Cover, include the hyphen and a space.
- To avoid showing this folder within the skin, it needs to be hidden, so right click it and select Properties and tick the Hidden checkbox, then just select this folder only.
- Place this folder into the path you specified in the variable above. Something like: X:\Games\- Cover
Thanks to the support from the forumInstructions for usage:
Icons have tooltips, but I'll give a quick run through for everything.
- Top left icon Refresh skin.
- Three icons for loading each of the three skins Books, Games, Videos. L-click to open. R-click to edit.
- I added a fourth 'Minimised' skin that is hidden so as not to be shown in the file view lists. The icon isn't shown on the minimised skin itself, only on the three launcher skins. It is the Up arrow icon. L-click to minimise the skin. R-click to edit the minimised skin, though you shouldn't need to.
- The Pin button sets the skin to either Normal or StayTopmost.
- Lastly is the Close button to unload the skin.
- Both the left and right file view areas are scrollable. The left list will only display folders. The right list is set to find only files and looks in folders recursively, so even if files are in folders, they will also be shown, but not the directories they are in.
- When setting up, you will require a cover image for every file in your chosen root folder used in the variable you set up. To make it easier to search the web for such images, I added a little help. M-click an item in the right list and it's full filename, without extension, will be copied to the clipboard, which you can then paste into a browser.
- The other two buttons are the Cog for selecting colours and changing those settings by clicking or scrolling the bars. The List button will return you to the list. Notice on the settings page that there is a Save button. If you want to save your colour selections, click this, or they will be lost.
- In the Games skin, there are some graphics files for the 'Banners' depending on the names of your chosen rom folders, you can set the names accordingly by renaming these banners to the exact same name given to the relevant folder. So if you have a folder called SNES, find the SNES banner in the skins Banner folder, and rename the banner file to that.
- You can also add something like this to another skin to load the Minimal skin so as to not have the skin always loaded:
[Minimise]Meter=StringMeterStyle=sGlobalTextFontFace=Segoe Fluent IconsFontSize=13Text=[\xE7FC]LeftMouseUpAction=[!ToggleConfig "Utilities\MediaLauncher" "- #CURRENTSECTION#.ini"]RightMouseUpAction=MouseOverAction=[!SetOption #CURRENTSECTION# FontColor "#Yellow#"][!UpdateMeter #CURRENTSECTION#][!Redraw]MouseLeaveAction=[!SetOption #CURRENTSECTION# FontColor ""][!UpdateMeter #CURRENTSECTION#][!Redraw]ToolTipText=L: ToggleHidden=1Group=HoverX=120Y=6r
![Thumbs Up :thumbup:](http://forum.rainmeter.net/images/smilies/ay.gif)
Statistics: Posted by sl23 — Yesterday, 10:59 pm — Replies 0 — Views 38